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Start Health FAQs

Start Health FAQs

Start is a new approach to insurance. Like anything that’s unfamiliar, we know you might have questions, so let’s answer some of the most pressing ones.

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Protecting Yourself from the Sun

Protecting Yourself from the Sun

Ultraviolet rays are essential because they cause our bodies to produce vitamin D which allows us to absorb calcium and phosphate in order to strengthen our bones. However, the saying, “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing,” might be more applicable to UV rays than anything else. The truth is that you only need five to fifteen minutes of sun exposure two to three times a week to fulfill your vitamin D needs, and UV rays are a known carcinogen.

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Your Wallet Has FOMO

Your Wallet Has FOMO

For far too long we have waited months after visiting the doctor to receive a bill that we then either pay over the phone, online, or mail in. When it comes to doctor visits, your wallet has FOMO. You can actually save significantly when you pay on the day of service....

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Why Hasn’t Healthcare Been Like This Before?

Why Hasn’t Healthcare Been Like This Before?

The cost of healthcare is continually rising. In fact, U.S. healthcare spending is estimated to hit $6.2 trillion by 2028. Want to know a secret? It doesn’t have to be this way. You’re probably overspending on healthcare and Start has the solution. What’s to Blame for...

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