The Search Starts Here
Let’s keep it simple, shall we? See any provider you’d like, anywhere you’d like, and find them with a simple search in your member portal.

Find Care With Start
Using the Start search tool, you can easily search for procedures, providers, and facilities to find the care you need. Your Start reimbursement amount is displayed for each procedure and visit—no guessing, no games.
How It Works
Simplify the way you and your employees get the care you need while keeping hard-earned dollars in your pockets.

With our search tool, it’s easy to find providers and facilities in your area. Considering the reimbursement amount associated with the care you wish to receive, utilize search results to find the best care at the best price.

After receiving care, ask your provider or their staff for an itemized receipt for your visit. Simply upload the itemized receipt to your Start portal. Start will then review your expense for reimbursement.

Once Start has reviewed and approved your expense, you’ll be reimbursed for the expense at the set reimbursement rate associated with your service. Reimbursements will be applied to your deductible until it is met.

Right Care, Right Price
Our search tool helps you find providers near you. Busy living life? We’ll do the heavy-lifting for you.