by Start Health | Dec 8, 2022 | Cash Pay, Health, Healthcare, High Deductible, HSAs, Low Premium, Start Health, tax, tax advantage, triple tax advantage
HSAs: The Gift of Health Savings 2022 has been a year of economic uncertainty and massive inflation. Yet amidst all this, national HSA contributions increased compared to last year. HSA contribution has increased from the previous year. Adding to this phenomenon, an...
by Start Health | Dec 7, 2022 | Health, Healthcare, Healthy Content, Start Health
As the sun sets as early as 6:00 pm, many individuals experience a sense of time stolen from their day. Productivity wanes and peppiness diminishes. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a prevalent reality. The Mayo Clinic defines SAD as a form of depression linked to...
by Start Health | Dec 2, 2022 | Health, Healthcare, Healthy Content, Start Health
Image Credit: Hand Washing Stops Infections—But Doctors Didn’t Realize it Until the Mid-19th Century – HISTORY National Handwashing Awareness Week In the wake of the 2020 pandemic, the repeated advice to wash hands while singing “Happy...